David Piuva's Graphics engine
A Direct3D 10/11 graphics engine for Visual Basic, C# and other ActiveX compatible languages on Microsoft Windows. I created this graphics engine many years ago when Microsoft Windows still had a future and Direct3D was the only sane option for reliable real-time rendering. Vulkan, Spir-V and CPUs with many cores did not exist at the time, so the only other option was a poorly defined version of OpenGL with thousands of bugs in the drivers. Now that most programmers don't use Visual Basic and Windows is slowly dying, I would rather recommend new users to try my software renderer instead.

Supported operating systems
Microsoft Windows is required by DirectX11 used by this engine.
It hurts to realize after spending many years polishing on an engine exclusively for Microsoft Windows, but the operating system has no future. Windows grew into a very complex system when Microsoft had lots of money to spend. Later, when ads were added to the start menu and users relied on sketchy hacks to prevent Windows10 from being automatically installed on their ad-free computers, the perceived value of Microsoft Windows turned negative. Microsoft was then left with a code-base much bigger than they could maintain without making a loss, and fired their testers. Now it's just a sinking ship with a bad reputation that nobody in the crew knows how to repair.

Target hardware
Only for Intel/AMD CPUs.

For those already using the engine, the last version remains here. Just in case that your files got corrupted or you missed the final update.
Download version 12 of DFPGE with included documentation and source code